Are you feeling sick and tired of...

  • Feeling directionless in your PT career development?

  • Getting taken advantage of by lopsided contracts?

  • Endlessly submitting to jobs without even call back?

  • Stammering and stuttering through intimidating job interviews?

  • Feeling yanked around by aggressive or pushy recruiters?

What will this course do for you?

  • Become an Elite Clinician

    Learn how to grow your skills and marketability FAST!

  • Win Jobs

    Using simple steps, you will learn how to stand out from a crowd and stop being passed over for positions you are passionate about.

  • Finally Get Paid Your Worth!

    With advanced negotiation tactics rooted in clinical research, learn how to confidently pitch and receive the pay package you deserve.

Sign up NOW and get started finally becoming Elite Level

Take back control of your career and you life!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • A message from the instructor

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Chapter #1

    • Course Intro and Foundations

    • Lecture 1 Slides

    • Goals Sheet

    • Test your learning

  • 3

    Chapter #2

    • Becoming Valuable

    • Lecture 2 Slides

    • 60min Presentation Protocol

    • Mentorship Tip-Sheet

    • Test your learning

  • 4

    Chapter #3

    • Communicating Your Value - Part 1

    • Lecture 3 Slides

    • Resume Example and Free Template

    • Resume and Interview Key Words

    • Test your learning

  • 5

    Chapter #4

    • Communicating Your Value - Part 2

    • Lecture 4 Slides

    • Interview Scripts

    • Test your learning

    • Interview Rubric

  • 6

    Chapter #5

    • Recruiters... dun dun dun

    • Lecture 5 Slides

  • 7

    Chapter #6

    • Travel Contracts 101

    • Course M6

  • 8

    Chapter #7

    • Negotiation 101

    • Lecture 8 Slides

    • Test your learning

  • 9

    Chapter #8

    • Advanced Negotiation Tactics

    • Lecture 8 Slides

    • Elite Level Reading List

    • Test your learning

  • 10

    Before you go...

    • Before you go...

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.